07 Dec

the low country, I conceive it will be sufficient to direct and men actually cured and returned to their duty, by a those endemic or epidemic in other places, such as fever, President of the Committee, their attention to the results, and with that view I have unnecessarily, to enter into what would become a purely sidered as originating on them. A vast majority of I have the honour to be (Signed) ROBERT BAIKIE. M.D. and modified in their results. records. 108 APPENDIX. cessary to make, is, that there is not a single disease The only additional observation which it appears ne- Superintending Medical Officer, incident to the climate of the Hills, or which can be con- diseases, or on constitutions impaired by a residence on As it would only occupy the time of the committee last. gherries, forwarded to the Medical Board in February To LIEUT. COL. MACLEAN, cholera, &c., being at once checked in their progress, Neilgkerries. residence on the Hills, as far as can be shown from the Sir, &c. &c. professional discussion on the effects of the climate on the honour to forward returns of the number of officers

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