eases entitles us to conclude that it would be modified habits, might be preserved in the highest state of dis- scourge of newly arrived European troops) is yet un- " The same observation applies, but with greater force, to which they are so notoriously exposed on their first I march in any direction when required. This will be known as a primary disease on the Hills, and that even hottest in India. The consequence may be easily fore- services are not immediately required in the low and rendered infinitely less fatal by the influence of though comparatively healthy, is decidedly one of the the climate. more obvious when we state that cholera (the great 114 APPENDIX. to the care of European recruits sent out for the Ar- APPENDIX. U5 all others, this class of individuals, mostly raw lads pany's army. Independent of the ordinary fertile causes if it should be imported, the analogy of other dis- with unformed constitutions, has to undergo a very se^ vere course of drilling at a station where the climate, of disease, to which they are exposed in common with country, and who, while rescued from that decimation arrival by the combined effects of climate and irregular cipline and efficiency, ready at a day's warning to tillery and other European corps of the Hon. Com-