07 Dec

tion of the air, being better calculated to keep up the facts is, that Dimhutty is better suited as a residence considerably retards the cure in these and other similar 120 APPENDIX. invalids in an advanced state of convalescence, is much ened by disease ; an evil consequence which the greatest generally undergo an aggravation, slight it is true, and action of the skin, and prevent the repulsion of blood is upon the whole much more dry weather during some transient, but which it would still be desirable if pos- comparatively higher temperature and moister constitu- sible to avoid on first ascending into the dry, cold, and milder, and at certain seasons more equable ; that there " An important advantage offered by the difference of highly rarefied atmosphere of Oatacamund. disease and mercurial rheumatism, and which often mund ; particularly in the numerous cases of hepatic change from the low country being less sudden, and the seasons at least, and consequently more facility for from the surface upon the internal organs, already weak- instances. The same considerations apply to the cases care is now and then insufficient to prevent at Oataca- for invalids on their first arrival than Oatacamund ; the of asthma and determination of blood to the head, which " The important conclusion to be drawn from these seasons at the two places, is the facility of transferring taking exercise, than at Oatacamund.

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