134 APPENDIX. Mattapolliam, previous to the discovery of the Coonoor cattle to go up it with ease. It leads, as is well Ghaut, which is close to it, have almost entirely su- teen miles, and is, the whole way, one continued sively tedious. The superior facilities of the Coonoor collector, distance only twelve miles, which avoids "While the Neilgherries continue to be resorted to, "There has also been a road lately made, direct known, to Dimhutty, its distance from whence is six- steep, it is nearly ten miles in length, and as no good perseded Streemoogah. from Mattapollium to Kotagherry, by Mr. Thomas, the and to possess their high reputation, the Coonoor other Ghauts. travellers to sleep by the way. This, which may be which will be best seen by a. short description of the bank of the Bhavany river, and is only six miles from " Streemoogah Bungalow is situated on the left called the Kotagherry Pass, is however excessively Ghaut, will always be the grand entrance into them, Streemoogah altogether, and renders it unnecessary for easiest of access of any of the passes, and was much frequented. It admits of palankeens, horses, and laden pass, the Streemoogah was reckoned the safest and STREEMOOGAH PASS. ascent and descent, thus rendering the passage exces-