and Jacklin is a firm believer in having his hounds rather big in condition day with their sterns well up. leaving gates open, or failing to notice the red boards in sown grass, they duties to perform in the way of closing earths late at night, to say nothing many people care to expend. to find anywhere, for they have been renowned for working qualities from and in regard to the farmers I would like to express that grateful feeling which is undoubtedly shared by all who have the privilege of riding over this lady has taken charge of the hunt terriers and was invariably on the scene when required. Walking is admittedly fine exercise, but to follow A better pack of hounds to hunt foxes of the right sort would be hard Miss Cole in a trek across country after hounds calls for more energy than 56 The Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt. A word for the gamekeepers is also due, for they often have arduous In conclusion, I may say I have tried to make this a sporting book huntsman will admit that it is much easier to take it off than to put it on, time immemorial. Bone and substance with quality are the chief points, may be assured it is the fault of some irresponsible individual and not the so that he has something to work upon in the course of a season. Any and a little fat goes very well with the lean. You can always recognise shooting tenants, and others on whose goodwill hunting so much depends, sporting members of the Hunt. a fit pack of hounds when you see them coming home at the end of a hard I hope I have previously made sufficient reference to landowners, throughout, and reference to the various subjects dealt with has been as far their lands. If they should be annoyed at times by people carelessly of the care required in keeping a satisfactory stock of game and foxes.