man ever distrusts an apologist. Perhaps, he thinks, outward visible authority of a Church, which is held to explained the article in the Apostles' Creed as a virtual another to meet some current objection. There is this Christians held, as the Nicene Creed states, that Christ is "of one substance with the Father, God of God, Clearly, then, to understand a religion we must know suspicion attaching to such explanations. The normal denial of Christ's divinity. be the representative of God upon earth. We should articles are to be interpreted. In the case of Catholicism much of truth in this tendency, that it is extremely Catholics is, and, still further, in what sense the different believe, and many come from very high ecclesiastical is the reception of a creed or body of beliefs on the in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord," a vast body of authorities. Yet in spite of this there is ever a slight THE ESSENCE OF CATHOLICISM 11 there is no dearth of explanations of what Catholics not only its creed but also in what sense the various articles are to be taken. For it is a fact of history that then be driven to inquire what the creed professed by the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and while Christendom professed to believe "in one God, Yet we mighfe agree that the essence of Catholicism Light of Light, very God of very God,'* while others the apologist over-states one point or understates