07 Dec

cessor of the blessed Peter, prince of the Apostles, and father and teacher of all Christians ; and that power Whence, starting from the clear witness of the sacred 70 ROMAN CATHOLICISM viduals and collectively, by their obligation of hier- was given him in blessed Peter, by our Lord Jesus cils and in the sacred canons. Christ, to feed, rule, and govern the universal Church ; world ; and that the same Roman Pontiff is the suc- nary power over all other Churches, and that this juris- decrees both of Our Predecessors the Boman Pontiffs also in whatsoever belongs to the discipline and gover- nance of the Church throughout the world ; so that bishop, is immediate ; and that to it all, both pastors true Vicar of Christ, head of the whole Church, and diction of the Roman Pontiff, which is truly that of a and faithful of every rite and dignity, both as indi- and the Roman Pontiff holds a primacy over the whole the oecumenical Council of Florence, which binds all and the General Councils, we renew the definition of as is also contained in the acts of the oecumenical Coun- ordinance the Roman Church has sovereignty of ordi- Christ's faithful to believe that the holy Apostolic See archical subordination and true obedience, are subject, writings, and adhering to the plain and straightforward We teach, therefore, and declare that by the Lord's not only in whatsoever concerns faith and morals, but

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