be produced by some insect, no doubt of the gad-fly type. foul and repulsive appearance. It is found in Ross-shire, and is lamentably heavy, and is largely due to parasites. These warbles are ugly looking dark-coloured lumps under the We have already spoken of the husk parasite. We have only once detected warbles, and decayed antlers never venison is disfigured by warbles in Ross-shire. six forms of parasite affecting deer, or, including warbles, sev<"n. We have observed two kinds of intestinal worms. It is thus seen that casual observation on the part of those skin, sometimes very numerous and as large as hazel nuts. Each Ross-shire stags often have the tops of their horns decayed It is probable that careful study, accompanied with special worm is nearly as thick as a person's little finger, and has a most possibly it is a leech. I never saw an example of this worm. It is found in Spring. It appears to be uncommon in Jura, only recorded twice. Ross-shire stags are much infested with warbles ; these must warble contains a grub, and there is a perforation in the skin above the warble. adheres to the throat and to the lower part of the tongue. This without any special knowledge has established the existence of The death rate of sheep in the western portion of Argyllshire also exists here. It somewhat resembles a leech in appearance ; away. Stags antlers are formed of pure bone, not horn. in Jura. The warbles observed were in a dead hind. Much knowledge, might lead to very interesting and valuable discoveries,