Profits 225 (Estimate) 35 But we have shown that we did badly in the Forest down to had in 1884, whilst in Tarbert there were about 7 more stags in bit of the ground. The result is 158 stags, July, 1890. Adding the fertility of Tarbert hinds. It is reasonable to believe Tarbert contains more hinds than calculations carried on for ten years, without any count during the interval to guide us. We appear to have under-estimated credible, as compared with the Forest increase of about 30 per 12 stags for 1890, it is about 22 more than we had estimated by Stock of Stags, 1890 ... cent, for the same 10 years. our estimate. Assuming the two stag counts of Tarbert are 1884 than in 1880. This is calculated from the count of 1890. mark. Stock increased 35. ... 136 (Estimate) been 75 per cent, in ten years. At first sight this appears in- the year 1884 inclusive ; we had 49 more stags in 1880 than we with the valued assistance of Mr. D. Fletcher, who knows every 31 Balance Losses 190 120 stags bagged, 5 allowed for wounded 2 is nearer the 35 Profit in 10 yrs, correct, 91 stags in 1880, and 158 stags in 1890, the increase has Since writing this paper Tarbert has been very carefully counted