07 Dec

appearance of a piece of thick white cotton, from 1^ in. to 3 in. in length, coughing is the result, hence the common name, husk or hoose, which is given essays in the life history of the worm, and the means of cure and prevention. or are driven by the forcible respiratory efforts consequence on the act of Losses among calves and lambs from the ravages of the lung worm are some- The mere presence of a number of thread worms in the respiratory tubes does indicated by incessant coughing, is very exhausting ; and, further, there is a direct the diminished desire for food which is incidental to the state of general loss of food due to the inability of the young animal to feed while coughing, and coughing. of stock breeders, who are the greatest sufferers, and prizes were offered for filling up the smaller tubes like masses of tangled thread, and sometimes the smaller air tubes by the accumulated worms interferes with the proper aera- existing in the windpipe and even in the nasal chamber, to which they wander debility. Many years ago the subject of the lung worm attracted the attention tion of the blood. Next, the irritation of the mucous membrane, which is times very extensive, and the stockowner may be puzzled to account for them. Under this stimulus some valuable papers were produced, but the main point the parasites, and loss of condition, increasing to a state of emaciation, is the Strongles in the lungs excite irritation, which is reflectd to the larynx, and to the disease. Constitutional derangement follows quickly on the invasion of natural consequence. In the first place, it must be understood that the mechanical blocking up of was never reached, i.e., a knowledge of the different phases in the development of the lung worm, sufficiently accurate to enable the observer to prevent its ravages ; and up to the present time there are some steps in the progress of the not seem to be a sufficient explanation.

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