07 Dec

you his homage." and maketh cheer with him right sweetly. "Fair nephew," saith the hermit, "See here your desire. Come to him my succour and my counsel shall you have so often as you shall have The lad alighteth of the lion and smiteth him with a whip and leadeth you to counsel him and help him, for through you came his mother by her Messire Gawain, "Both your honour and your homage receive I gladly, and him to the den and maketh the door so that he may not issue forth, and "God give you growth of honour!" saith Messire Gawain. He kisseth him "Sir, I am called Meliot of Logres." need thereof. But fain would I know your name?" kneeleth before him and holdeth up his joined hands. II. "Sir," saith the hermit, "He will be of right your man, wherefore ought the forest, whereof was I sore an-angered." And Messire Gawain setteth his hands within his own: "Certes," saith death, and right sore need will he have of your succour." The child Messire Gawain was well harboured the night and lay in a right fair arms. "Sir," saith the child, "Welcome may you be!" "Fair sir, are you he?" saith the hermit. a rich earl of the kingdom of Logres." and make him cheer." cometh to Messire Gawain, and Messire Gawain receiveth him between his "So men call me," saith Messire Gawain, "And the lady saw I slain in "Sir," saith the hermit, "He saith true, for his mother was daughter of III. "Look, Sir," saith the hermit, "Is he not right pitiful? He offereth

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