07 Dec

through his good knighthood." "Sir, of your mercy, lower your coif." without saying a word. TITLE I. Court." "Certes, Sir, none." shield and his besides you and he?" "For this, that a certain man hath reft him of one of his castles for "What name hath he?" saith Lancelot. hardy, and he hath a white horse right strong and swift." Here the story is silent of Messire Gawain and beginneth to speak of and meeteth a knight in the midst of the forest that was coming full "Sir," saith Lancelot, "Whence come you?" "Certes, Sir, yea! He is the best of the Isles of the Moors." "Is he so good knight?" saith Lancelot. Lancelot, that entereth into a forest and rideth with right great ado "And wherefore do you ask?" saith Lancelot. that he was not there. Howbeit, I know well that he will have it again "Sir," saith Lancelot, "I come from the neighbourhood of King Arthur's "Ha, Sir, can you tell me tidings of a knight that beareth a green speed and was armed of all arms. "Sir," saith he, "His name is Gladoens, and he is a good knight and a "Be there other knights in your country that bear such arms as your BRANCH VII. the face. "Certes, Sir Knight," saith he, "you very much resemble him." He quickly thereon lowereth his coif, and Lancelot looketh at him in shield such as I bear? If so, he is my brother."

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