knights without; and they say one to the other and swear it, that they sate them down in the entrance to the hall. He mounteth up to the will hath he to go forth afoot; but, and he had had his horse, the forth honourably, howsoever they without might have taken it and what began to sing amidst the forest, whereof the hall was overshadowed. He house, nor was his horse there within, nor was there but a single maketh fast the door of the hall and barreth it and shutteth the and guard the issue, and Lancelot was within with them that were dead. entrance into the hall. The knights set themselves without the door windows. Just then the day appeared, fair and clear, and the birds rested himself awhile, he riseth to his feet and seeth that they have windows and flingeth them down them that were dead within through the sore spent with the blows he had given and received. When he had He sate himself down at the top of the hall to rest him, for he was siege as long as God shall please, for the hall was well garnished of as far as the shoulders, and wounded two of the knights right badly, and he himself was hurt in two places; but he might not depart from the grievance soever they might have had thereof. will not depart thence until they have taken him or famished him to a-horseback, as no knight never is. Him thinketh he may well abide the great hardiment that he hath in him would have made that he should go death. Little had Lancelot recked of their threats and he might have knights without that keep watch that he goeth not, but neither wish nor BRANCH XV. caught the dwarf that was edging them on to do him hurt, and clave him meat in right great joints. He is there within all alone, and the four had his horse at will, but he was not so sure of his stroke afoot as