XV. his horse's chine swerve awry. After that, he looketh at Lancelot and awhile to watch the Good Knight, that hath yielded his shield and spear "Lords," saith he, "To the Saviour of the World commend I you." to the Good Soldier; after that she maketh sign that it belongeth to beyond. that he will meet them again at some time and place, and at ease, in the knight that is there waiting behind her. Perceval was without to the damsel. She hath set his shield on the bier in front, then were chained to guard the gate slink away into their dens, and the shield in the saddle-bows, and holdeth his sword drawn and planteth him and they also depart sore grudgingly; but they pray him right sweetly, such sort as that they may see him without discognisance. They wait bridges before the castle that uplifted themselves so soon as he was good three fingers into a shaft of marble. The lions and the beast that pointeth out to them of the castle all openly the shield that belonged so Lord God allow him escape alive from the place whither he goeth, Lancelot and Messire Gawain departed thence when they had beholden the smiteth with his sword at the gate so passing strongly that he cut a Cross protect him in his body and his soul and his life." Messire Gawain. fast as his horse may carry him,--toward the Turning Castle. He stiffly in the stirrups after such sort as maketh them creak again and marvel, but they were fain to go toward the castle when they saw it And they answer, "May He that endured pain of His body on the Holy True castle stoppeth at once. The archers cease to shoot. There were three With that he smiteth with his spurs and goeth his way to the castle as