07 Dec

arms lasted great space betwixt Briant of the Isles and Lancelot, and and smiteth him with his spear so stoutly that he thrusteth it right to aid Briant of the Isles, but Lucan the Butler cometh to meet him, departing, for Lancelot and his men carried off four of his by force their knights that are taken and dead. Lancelot cometh back to that they bring taken, and say that the coming of the good knight under them. They hold their swords drawn, and so return the one toward but the knights and the force of Briant rescue him. The clashing of should repair back and Messire Gawain. The wounded knights that were Thereupon he seizeth him by the bridle and thinketh to lead him away, his spear at the by-passing, and Meliant also breaketh his, but he was smiting of iron by steel. And Meliant cometh all armed toward Lancelot disparted them asunder. Thus the stour lasted until evening, until that wounded passing sore. Briant of the Isles and Meliant betook them back all sorrowful for Cardoil, and they of the castle make him right great joy of the knights each was mightily wrath for that each was wounded. Either seized other right sore wounded, besides them that remained dead on the field. the other like lions. Such buffets deal they upon their helms that the night sundered them. But Briant had nought to boast of at many times by the bridle, and each was right fain to lead the other to XX. in the castle turned to healing of their wounds, whereof was Lancelot they beat them in and make the fire leap out by the force of the Lancelot should be great comfort to them until such time as King Arthur through his shield and twisteth his arm gainst his side. He breaketh his own hold, but the force of knights on the one side and the other

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