"Sir," saith he, "I come from the Castle of the Black Hermit, there unto me, they departed, fleeing the speediest they might. I praised him in misfortune." that hath need of it and shall ask you, you will lend him one of these Perceval, that never was without sore toil and travail so long as he "Sir," saith the hermit, "But now since, were here three knights. So gallop over against him. He knew Perceval by the shield that he bare. such occasion, for that the souls of knights that die under arms are XV. side of the other. He taketh both twain of their destriers, and have won. Sir," saith he, "Haste, moreover, on account of a thing most Gawain, or otherwise never again will you enter into the castle you delivered unto him the horse of Aristor and the other of the knight wherefore she sendeth you word by me that you speed your way and go to soon as they knew that the two were dead whose horses you had delivered through the midst of the forest, and met a knight that came a great "Sir," saith Perceval, "Well I know that and you shall see any knight nigher to Hell than to Paradise." knotteth the reins together and driveth them before him as far as the house of the hermit, that had issued forth of his hermitage. He that he had sent thither. horses, for great courtesy is it to aid a worshipful man when one seeth them much of their going, and told them they did well not to die on her to ask for the chess-board that was taken away from before Messire pitiful that I heard in this forest. I heard how a knight was leading lived, departed from the hermitage and went with great diligence right where you will find the Damsel of the Car as soon as you arrive,