bound hath fallen, and the serpent seized it." that am a damsel!" of my father and of other." drawn. The serpent seeth him, and cometh toward him, jaws yawning, and knight that is mounted up in a tall tree that was right broad with many whereof ought I not to be sorry, for this King hath carried me off from "Now may you come down," saith he to the King. dread of a serpent, great and evil-favoured that had issued from a hole my father's house, and would have done me shame of my body and this casteth forth fire and flame in great plenty. Perceval thrusteth his sword right through the gullet. The King had great shame of this that the damsel told him, and made "Whereof are you afeard, damsel?" saith Perceval. "And what is the King's name, damsel?" saith Perceval. to him. "Ha, Sir," saith she, "Come to help this King that is up above, and me in a mountain. The damsel seeth Perceval's ship coming, and crieth out is his own that is so plenteous, and other lands enow that he hath reft his cousin in prison, and is issued from the ship forthwith, sword "Of a great serpent, Sir," saith she, "that hath made us climb up, boughs. There was a damsel with him, that had climbed up also for long space. He looketh before him and seeth a right rich island and a answer never a word. Perceval understandeth that it was he that held serpent had not run upon him." "Sir," saith he, "The key of a chain wherewith a certain knight is "Sir, he is called Gohaz of the Castle of the Whale. This great land right plenteous, and on the other side he seeth in a little islet a