toward the sea. He came to the windows of the hall and saw the ship manner as though they should sing mass. When the ship was anchored saith the Voice, "Not long shall you abide herein; wherefore it is When the Voice departed, all the coffins that were therein crashed so and blesseth him and commendeth him to God. On a day the hermits came the most Holy Graal shall appear herein no more, but within a brief them and sang their masses, and came every day and took counsel of him under the hall they went to pray in the most holy chapel. They brought therein save he alone. The hermits that were nigh the castle buried thence betimes. therein with Perceval, for he well knew that he would be departing above them holy churches and houses of religion that are seen in the for the holiness they saw him do and the good life that he led there. XXVII. Perceval heard one day a bell sound loud and high without the manor until that his mother passed away and his sister and all they that were So one day whilst he was in the holy chapel where the hallows were, passing loud that it seemed the master-hall had fallen. He crosseth forest, there where these bodies shall be served and worshipped, and forthwith, behold you, a Voice that cometh down therein: "Perceval," lands and in the islands. Joseus the son of King Hermit, remained fairest folk that ever he might behold, and they were all robed in such come with the white sail and the Red Cross thereon, and within were the to him. He disparted the holy relics among them, and they builded holy life and a religious. Therein abode they even as it pleased God, God's will that you dispart the hallows amongst the hermits of the space shall you know well the place where it shall be."