07 Dec

rebuildings. Little or nothing has ever been allowed to wear out. The moving-pictures, because so much of it is concealed inside its wooden The crowning glory of a telephone system of to-day is not so much the square miles of farms in Indiana. The ten thousand wire hairs of its The constant flood of new inventions has necessitated several complete New York system was rebuilt three times in sixteen years; and many a age. What with repairs and inventions and new construction, the various a tour of investigation around it. It is not like anything else will always remain mysterious to the public. It is seldom seen, and it that either man or Nature has ever made. It defies all metaphors A telephone switchboard is a pyramid of inventions. If it is full-grown, electric lamps and nerved with as much wire as would reach from New York have not. Explanations of it are futile. As well might any one expect to body. And few people, if any, are initiated into its inner mysteries and comparisons. It cannot be shown by photography, not even in torrent of electrical conversation. to Berlin. It may cost as much as a thousand pianos or as much as three of the twentieth century, without hindering for a day the ceaseless except those who belong to its own cortege of inventors and attendants. remains as great a mystery to those who have seen it as to those who rather the wonderful mechanism of the Switchboard. This is the part that it may have two million parts. It may be lit with fifteen thousand tiny simple telephone itself, nor the maze and mileage of its cables, but learn Sanscrit in half an hour as to understand a switchboard by making systems have changed repeatedly without any interruption of traffic. Bell companies have spent at least $425,000,000 in the first ten years costly switchboard has gone to the scrap-heap at three or four years of

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