centres. Minute by minute, its flow is guided by an expert, who sits at express, may telephone to Chicago from the drawing-room of a Pullman. He which had a wire from dock to office in 1877; and the first railway was point of danger. In the rearing of skyscrapers, it is now usual to have a temporary wire strung vertically, so that the architect may stand on city requires twelve private exchanges and five hundred and twelve To-day the telephone goes to sea in the passenger steamer and the the ground and confer with a foreman who sits astride of a naked girder generated at a single station, and let flow to twenty-five storage himself, on the swiftest of all trains, will not arrive in Chicago for the Pennsylvania, which two years later was persuaded by Professor Bell warship. Its wires are waiting at the dock and the depot, so that a himself to give it a trial in Altoona. Since then, this railroad has telephones, and twenty thousand miles of wire--a more ample system than telephones. All the power that creates this artificial daylight is The first steamship line to take notice of the telephone was the Clyde, office. It is one of the most incredible miracles of telephony that the seven million electric lights that have abolished night in that three hundred feet up in the air. And in the electric light business, liner. and seventy-five exchanges, four hundred operators, thirteen thousand the current is distributed wholly by telephoned orders. To give New York become the chief beneficiary of the art of telephony. It has one hundred the city of New York had in 1896. a telephone exchange as though he were a pilot at the wheel of an ocean a passenger at New York, who is about to start for Chicago on a fast tourist may sit in his stateroom and talk with a friend in some distant