lieve that the motive which leads men to drink is one of the fully examine into the cause of the desire for drink. When enlargement of his conscious self, he desires to live the The Rule of "Not Too Much." This man when he takes alcoholic liquors does not do so for and which makes the whole plan weak and elusive? men have gone to the drunkard's grave? They have experi- that is on a higher plane and above the ordinary cares of life, drink problem may have a ludicrous turn to some, but why 5 but let us find out the motive and the cure for it. I be- the cause, and after reaching our conclusions we apply our mestic, and religious. There is no easy way out of it. larger life and to live a life that is a least bit better and one and to reach this plane they drink. Now this version of the enced this desire to rise above the common planes of every- in regard to the solving of this great problem. Let us care- a thing is not right and goes wrong we examine it to learn with the liquor problem, which is at once sociological, do- remedy. The best way to solve the question is not to kiss So far we must be suspicious and not jump at conclusions from a desire to satisfy his animal nature, but he wants an Of all those who seek for the solution of this matter there is it that some of the finest, noblest and most learned of are only a few, very few who find the solution. So it is best and not of a lowly nature as is the prevailing opinion. and blow it away as a mother does an injury to her child,