dice, no matter how hard and sincerely they strive to The two points I have in mind refer to the psychic There is perhaps little cause for wonder that these with defenses against the charges constantly brought (January i, 1906.) importance to the student of the liquor problem, I 12 Psychic Influence of Food and Drink. omissions occur. They occur everywhere. They are the legislative aspects. In reading this book, which free their minds, and to the other fact that the trade against the liquor traffic, and have never left their see appendix. am struck with two omissions that seem to be vital. liquor problem from the physiologic, the economic and *As to the personnel and work of the Committee of Fifty Psychic Influence of Food and Drink. examined the problem are never quite free from preju- influence of food and drink, for one, and to a certain volume summarizing the results of its researches on the largely due to the fact that the outsiders who have interests concerned have occupied themselves wholly breastworks for any aggressive sallies. aspect of the evil effects of the intemperate use of are some among us who are constitutionally weak. contains a great deal of matter that is of the highest The so-called Committee of Fifty* has published a