to venture a conjecture. Yet it seems to me there may drift from primitive indulgence towards the greater in Europe. Drunkenness as Affected by Race. owing to general causes. tive clan and group association to the modern pairing perhaps be traced in the gradual contraction of the sitting on the occasion of his visit to the giant Hymir. of the Moslem heavens in another direction. A similar marriage. These are analogues of the gradual ad- Latin races," says President Eliot, "are not addicted on this subject compiled and ably discussed by Dr. tributes of the heroic character. The darling of Teu- Those ideals have passed away. They represent the quantities of alcoholic drink advisable in America than On a subject so little understood it may be hazardous The Rule of "Not Too Much." aspirations of more primitive men, as do the Houris tonic mythology, Thor, ate two whole oxen at one limits governing the relations of the sexes, from primi- Bowditch form highly interesting reading. There That drunkenness goes by race is largely true. 'The temperance of civilized man can with greater accuracy vance in the drinking habits of our race. It is progress to it; the Russian and Teutonic races are." The facts seem also to be climatic influences that make smaller 25