pair any small damage which its mechanism may have suf- which, perhaps, would never have come from the water drum of business, the routine of public and even, at man existence. trouble, many a care, has disappeared in the smoke of a eled once more in the blissfulness of exclusive com- work, it can make good this slight unnecessary expenditure hunt for the dollar? Have you not longed for a quiet retreat, or for the companionship of soul, to get away of force by drafts from an abundant store of energy, and re- the pendulum of a clock? What harm is there if from time fered? It is certainly a fact that many a bright fruitful jug of a vegetarian. Many a bitter heartache, which would have eaten deeper and deeper by drinking raspberry lemon- sure of steam if subsequently, during a period of slower times, of home life? Have you not asked yourself, ade, has been softened by a nice cup of coffee; many a always work in the same monotonous, tiresome tempo as cigar, and that is surely worth something in this poor hu- idea has been born from a bumper of fragrant Rhine wine out of the lime light of publicity? Have you not a cozy corner in a comfortable eating house, and rev- often wished to be able to get away from the hum- if there is really nothing else in this world but the Does that strike a responsive chord? Have you not to time it pumps somewhat more quickly under a high pres- gone out with your wife to theater or country or to