07 Dec

meat dropped into absolute alcohol shrivels up and is sociables and receptions in the evening and supplement a 6 pressed. And by such wilful misrepresentation and so that the dreams after retiring will rival all the pictures of discolored, therefore the human stomach is similarly That Pseudo-Scientific Temperance Instruction. authority and science, which is brought about by this deceit is the youthful mind demoralized. a drink containing, among other constituents, 3^2 per difference between live tissue and dead meat, between tion" in our public schools, where it is taught, among (July, 1906.) The talk of people not wanting to "drink alcohol" mis-called "scientific temperance instruction," is in a by tradition than many older places, bids fair to be the avoid it, but they are sinners above all others. It seems to be an indispensable part of orthodox religion to attend church rarebit experiences which fill some of the newspapers. cent of alcohol, on the one hand, and absolute alcohol, on the other hand, is shrewdly slurred over or sup- calls to mind the pseudo-"scientific temperance instruc- o'clock dinner with fruit cake, pie, oyster soup and coffee, other "legalized lies," that because a piece of dead intemperance, deceit, sneakiness and contempt for This matter of the training of the youthful mind to fair way of receiving an airing. Chicago, less hampered |j affected by the use of alcoholic drink. Of course the

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