07 Dec

instruction" of the W. C. T. U. has been called by on their part of the untruthfulness of the statements While on this subject, and not with any idea of of calling to mind some of the features of this dis- Their course in these matters is frequently excused 52 in view of the good intentions with which they are they endorse is rank nonsense. It is also quite sufficient dorsing these books share in the spoils, or not. It Tart Observations. knowingly vitiate the minds of the growing generation bringing out anything new, but simply for the purpose whether "graft" has anything to do with the introduc- quite unnecessary for our purpose. It matters not text books, and that notwithstanding this knowledge the most eminent authority in America to the fact that is quite sufficient for us to know that the stuff which to know that the attention of the responsible persons untruthful statements are contained in their endorsed credited. I must be permitted to question the good tion of these books, and, if so, whether the parties en- in the so-called "department of scientific temperance by the instillation of known falsehoods. Teaching. they have continued to endorse and support them. intentions on the part of persons who deliberately and Some Tart Observations on this "Fake" Scientific

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