question and, so far as its necessary effect upon the resentation. ipparent that under the name of scientific temperance epresented certain leading physiologists, as Dr. Chit- clusion of the writers of the report for the Committee nor temperate nor instructive/' as Voltaire said in his day that the Holy Roman Empire finally ceased to be It would be easy to go on quoting things of this scheme relating to alcohol which is neither scientific school system of nearly all our states an educational school physiology is a disingenuous evasion of the real county to take every precaution to so conduct their busi- of Fifty is summed up in the sentence: "It is thus The Rule of "Not Too Much." ind, to show how the fanatics have deliberately mis- Moral Stand of the Brewers. either holy, or Roman, or an empire. enden, of Yale, and Dr. Hodge, of Clarke, and also ations are sufficient for the present purpose. The con- o go into the statements made by school teachers as f this sort of misinstruction. However, the above quo- mind of the child is concerned, a deliberate misrep- for medical students, and that his statement in the nstruction there has been grafted upon the public schools flatly contradicts a text book which he wrote 54 o the utter futility and, in fact, pernicious character