sympathies of many well-meaning people; it has in- The bill of the Anti-Saloon League provides that if not a local option bill, although it is called by that 72 binding on every division of the county, regardless of Genuine local option would mean that if the voters League, however, says to the voter: "You can vote the sentiment in such division. If, however, the coun- a view of exerting pressure on the legislature. But a county votes to exclude saloons, this vote shall be all this is done under false pretenses. is influencing public opinion in favor of the bill with would, therefore, have little opposition on the part of ty, as a whole, votes in favor of saloons, this vote is vote for saloons they can have them, and if they vote name. Under that name, the League has enlisted the in favor of saloons, to vote again on the question. In But the bill fathered by the Anti-Saloon League is other words, it leaves them just as they were originally. the legislators or the voters. pulpits, it is arousing its followers to enthusiasm and not binding on the entire county and its divisions, but The "fake" local option bill of the Anti-Saloon duced many clergymen to advocate the bill in their only permits such divisions as have shown a majority "Fake" Local Option. against them they shall not have them.