07 Dec

the hands of the "drys" until practically only three For many months the Nation has been a mournful was enforced in Louisville, and there was much said leaders who hoped thereby to mount to office and pub- Kentucky. spectator of the efforts of the enemies of happiness to purveyors of liquid refreshment therein. Already the alcoholists has had the support of certain political ion incapacitates them from applying to this subject Henry Watterson to the Rescue of Betrayed objects were obtained. We beheld the coils of the of the wickedness of that city, and especially of the captive, chained by unscrupulous politicians like An- of darkness and prohibition. The work of the anti- regard to other matters. dromeda on the rock. County after county went into with the intent, no doubt, of spurning it when their ous garment of hypocrisy, to deliver it to the demon counties could be classed as "wet." Sunday closing the lash of the fanatics whose obliquity of mental vis- the standards of morals and decency which obtain in lic greatness, using that fad as "ambition's ladder" Again an argument for a campaign of publicity ! Kentucky would soon follow the sad example of Geor- serpent being wound closer and closer around the fair "antis" were shouting in triumph and predicting that wrap about the beautiful state of Kentucky the hide-

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