who gives up all for wealth and business success or life, who pinches and saves in order to swell his bank pers, nor insane, whereas, on the other hand, the man Somewhat in line with these occurrences and reflec- It really does one good to see an eminent and re- getting a dose of what we have been getting every tions is an editorial article which appeared September The Rule of "Not Too Much." economic efficiency, who denies himself the joys of degeneracy may quite readily take the form of ex- day for years. If they goad him enough, he may, and the woman who lives the parasitical life of "so- the Anti-Alcoholists. the list of respectables kept by the anti-alcoholists charges against the beverage traffic are really not much tinue to be lying about other people, and that their spectable man like Henry Watterson at least so he perhaps conclude that as these people are now lying was heretofore, though, of course, he is no longer on about him, they have been and are now and will con- ciety," who shuns alcoholic drink, but indulges to ex- better than a tissue of lies. cess in tea and coffee, these are the persons whose off- spring are much more likely to be degenerate, and the account, and who abstains from all alcoholic beverages, Others May Learn How it Feels to be Abused by cessive use of alcohol.