07 Dec

ern states, the impoverishment of hundred of thousands does the economic argument amount to? Do you ex- Henrich, if he refuses to accept the advice given by The Rule of "Not Too Much:' the throwing out of employment of hundreds of thou- appear when viewed in the light of these things of the such matters? Did these arguments carry any weight in Maine, in Iowa, in Kansas ? What did similar argu- tention to the destruction of property values it involves, to elevating the standards of living, health, happiness, ments avail against the agitation for the abilition of economic ruin? And how far did those arguments go How paltry the arguments of the anti-alcoholists pect to stop the anti-alcohol propaganda by calling at- slavery? Was not the freeing of the slaves the de- Not that the economic argument should be entirely American writers, as he has heretofore done. What morality and the joy of living, should be the main better nature of man, the ideals of a higher culture? 121 at that time, as against those which appealed to the of people, the wiping out of land values, and general struction of the greater part of the wealth of the south- part of the brewer's defense of his business. ideal grounds and addressed to those things which go ignored ! But the arguments based upon psychical and sands of people, the depreciation of farm lands, and

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