07 Dec

endangering the safety of girls. Of course, it was the fault of the skating rink ! When the bicycle craze was at its height, there were people who opposed the use of bicycles because it was I know the anti-drink "fans" do not think highly Within a few days more, a clergyman declared that joint. doctrine of the "strenuous life" to the mollycoddle teachings of the antis. I am even glad to learn that the W. C. T. U. denied that he sent them a telegram The only safe thing for a person to do is to sit at of President Roosevelt, but I confess I prefer his zoological gardens, automobiles, skating rinks, bicycles ! dangerous to have boys and girls go out riding to- skating rinks were worse than public dance halls in home and twirl his thumbs. Perhaps even that is due to his automobile. gether. of its owner or user ! Of course, it was the fault of the automobile, not of congratulation on the success of the prohibition Of course, it was the fault of the bicycle! 133 who had been mixed up in a divorce case, said it was The Rule of "Not Too Much! 9 Therefore, the prohibitionist would argue, away with too much activity. He might twist his thumbs out of

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