who defend such use are merely apologizing for the Moral Question. indulgence of a more or less improper carnal ap- necessarily opposed to those who believe in making people good by compelling them to do nothing. attack the anti-drink forces on the moral side. When- that the person on the other side proceeds upon the disadvantage which no subsequent argument can over- ever you get into a discussion of the question you find such conditions you have conceded the most import- all other things, a great moral question. And I can- The Alcohol Question is Above all Things a Great A Great Moral Question. petite. If you allow the discussion to proceed under not refrain from saying again to the brewers that the The more I think about the alcohol question the 134 represent a higher moral standpoint, and that those stronger does the conviction become that it is, above come. The first and most important step in the en- basis that those who oppose the use of alcoholic drink movement in Oklahoma. The report that he sent such ant point in the controversy and placed yourself at a tire argument is to deny absolutely the claim of the most important part of the work before them is to a telegram seemed incredible anyway. For Roose- velt is a man of action, and as such his principles are