07 Dec

the position frequently laid down in the proceedings of this organized movement. publish in this issue a picture of Dr. Clark, the starter ment towards temperance, raising the American people hindrance to the further development of temperance. The centennial of the organization of the first Amer- from its place at the bottom of the list of sober na- tions into the very front rank and near the head of The Fathers of the Republic Favored Mild and preventive of intemperance in drink. That is the list, there now arose a movement whose practical to the brewing trade. It is appropriate, therefore, to prohibition movement. drink problem in all civilized countries. It is the From that time forward, temperance increased through ican temperance society is an event of importance Fermented Beverages. Clark was in harmony with the leading men of his position carried through with almost startling success tendency and effect was the opposite, constituting a and publications of the United States Brewers' As- time, the founders of our Republic, in promoting the sociation for many years past. It is the position en- dorsed and espoused by the leading students of the by the Swiss nation a laboratory for sociological ex- the operation of general natural causes in spite of the use of mild fermented beverages as the surest cure

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