07 Dec

And double cannons fram'd of carved brass, Erected is a castle passing strong, Know that this city stands upon seven hills What Rome containeth to delight thee with, Hast thou, as erst I did command, Of Styx, of[120] Acheron, and the fiery lake With winding banks that cut it in two parts; Upon the bridge call'd Ponte[119] Angelo But tell me now what resting-place is this? That underprop the groundwork of the same: Within whose walls such store of ordnance are, Which Julius Caesar brought from Africa. Just through the midst[118] runs flowing Tiber's stream Thus hitherto hath Faustus spent his time: FAUSTUS. Now, by the kingdoms of infernal rule, And now, my Faustus, that thou mayst perceive MEPHIST. MEPHIST. Faustus, I have; and, because we will not be unprovided, Over the which four stately bridges lean, Tut, 'tis no matter; man; we'll be bold with his good cheer. That make safe passage to each part of Rome: That threats the stars with her aspiring top. Conducted me within the walls of Rome? Besides the gates, and high pyramides, FAUSTUS. I hope his Holiness will bid us welcome. As match the days within one complete year; I have taken up his Holiness' privy-chamber for our use.

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