[Footnote 148: [Exeunt. Doctor Faustus said to the dutchesse, Gratious lady, I have alwayes [Footnote 146: ostry-- i.e. inn,--lodging.] of the Duke of Vanholt: this is plain, not only from the later 4tos, In the later 4tos a scene intervenes between the "Exeunt" of [Footnote 147: cunning-- i.e. skill.] meaning--acquainted with.] FAUSTUS PLAYED A MERRY JEST WITH THE DUKE OF ANHOLT IN HIS COURT. [Footnote 145: hey-pass-- Equivalent to--juggler.] [Footnote 144: know of-- The old ed. has "KNOWNE of"; which perhaps is right, Doctor Faustus on a time went to the Duke of Anholt, who welcommed --in which Wagner tells Faustus that the Duke "hath sent some of him very courteously; this was the moneth of January; where sitting Enter to them the DUKE, the DUTCHESS, the DUKE speakes." his men to attend him, with provision fit for his journey,"--but Enter the DUKE OF VANHOLT, the DUCHESS, and FAUSTUS-- Old ed.; of Vanholt, &c.--We are to suppose that Faustus is now at the court heard that great-bellied women doe alwayes long for some dainties; "Exeunt. and that they brought in the banqueting dishes [i.e. the dessert--, forbearing himselfe untill the meat was taken from the table, I beseech therefore your grace, hide not your minde from me, but at the table, he perceived the dutchess to be with child; and is closely followed in the present scene. "Chap. xxxix. HOW DOCTOR tell me what you desire to eat. She answered him, Doctor Faustus, Faustus, Mephistophilis, and Wagner, and the entrance of the Duke from THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS, the subjoined portion of which