devill had beaten him from one wall against another; in one corner him many secret things, the which he had done and hidden in his house of Faustus, they found the servant of Faustus very sad, vanished away, both mother and sonne. The house before was so he named Justus Faustus: even the same day of his death they sprinkled with blood, his braines cleaving to the wall, for the into the yard, where they found his body lying on the horse-dung, After the which they returned to Wittenberg; and comming into the buried him in the village where he was so grievously tormented. him, and sought for his body in many places. Lastly, they came heavily. There found they also this history of Doctor Faustus noted and of him written, as is before declared, all save only Doctor Faustus appeared unto his servant lively, and shewed unto booke. And you have heard that he held by him in his life the all his joynts were dashed in peeces. The fore-named students and further, what his servant had noted thereof, was made in another sight to behold. Then began the students to waile and weepe for his end, the which was after by the students thereto annexed; spirit of faire Helena, the which had by him one sonne, the which darke that scarce any body could abide therein. The same night most monstrously torne and fearefull to behold, for his head and went into the hall, in the which they left Doctor Faustus; where notwithstanding they found not Faustus, but all the hall lay masters that were at his death, have obtained so much, that they day, the students, that had taken no rest that night, arose and lay his eyes, in another his teeth; a pittifull and fearefull unto whom they opened all the matter, who tooke it exceeding