07 Dec

this once, to thrust my head out at a [150] window; for they shall control him as well as the conjurer, I warrant you. An if he be so far in love with him, FREDERICK. Speak, wilt thou come and see this sport? BENVOLIO. Well, go you attend the Emperor. I am content, for BENVOLIO. Ay, an I fall not asleep i' the mean time. MARTINO. Wilt thou stand in thy window, and see it, then? BENVOLIO. Has not the Pope enough of conjuring yet? DUKE OF SAXONY, FAUSTUS, MEPHISTOPHILIS, FREDERICK, And at his heels a [149] thousand Furies wait, He was upon the devil's back late enough: MARTINO. Come, leave thy chamber first, and thou shalt see This conjurer perform such rare exploits, in the morning: if that be true, I have a charm in my head, BENVOLIO. What of this? A Sennet. Enter CHARLES the German Emperor, BRUNO, [Exeunt FREDERICK and MARTINO.] Before the Pope and royal Emperor, To accomplish whatsoe'er the doctor please. MARTINO, and Attendants. I would he would post with him to Rome again! BENVOLIO. Not I. say, if a man be drunk over night, the devil cannot hurt him EMPEROR. Wonder of men, renowm'd [151] magician, As never yet was seen in Germany. MARTINO. The Emperor is at hand, who comes to see What wonders by black spells may compass'd be.

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