To the black scandal of his hated name. Or hew'd this flesh and bones as small as sand, Benvolio's shame before the Emperor? FREDERICK. What shall his [187] eyes do? BENVOLIO. Zounds, the devil's alive again! what shall the body do? FREDERICK. Come, let's devise how we may add more shame I'll nail huge forked horns, and let them hang Ay, all [189] your hearts to recompense this deed. BENVOLIO. We'll pull [188] out his eyes; and they shall serve for FAUSTUS. Nay, keep it: Faustus will have heads and hands, ten birchen brooms, I warrant you. That all the world may see my just revenge. Justly rewarded for his villanies. Knew you not, traitors, I was limited buttons to his lips, to keep his tongue from catching cold. BENVOLIO. First, on his head, in quittance of my wrongs, MARTINO. What use shall we put his beard to? FREDERICK. Give him his head, for God's sake. For four-and-twenty years to breathe on earth? And, had you cut my body with your swords, BENVOLIO. Ay, that's the head, and there [186] the body lies, BENVOLIO. We'll sell it to a chimney-sweeper: it will wear out Yet in a minute had my spirit return'd, Within the window where he yok'd me first, MARTINO. An excellent policy! and now, sirs, having divided him, [FAUSTUS rises.]