But wherefore do I dally my revenge?-- And hurl him in some lake of mud and dirt. Thence pitch them headlong to the lowest hell. And mount aloft with them as high as heaven: Yet, stay: the world shall see their misery, [Exeunt MEPHISTOPHILIS and DEVILS with BENVOLIO, MARTINO, Asteroth, Belimoth, Mephistophilis? FAUSTUS. Away! I heard them parley with the conjurer. FREDERICK. He must needs go that the devil drives. Go, Belimoth, and take this caitiff hence, and FREDERICK.] Fly hence; despatch my charge immediately. Enter MEPHISTOPHILIS, and other Devils. And hell shall after plague their treachery. Whilst, with my gentle Mephistophilis, Amongst [191] the pricking thorns and sharpest briers; That, rolling down, may break the villain's bones, Go, horse these traitors on your fiery backs, And I had breath'd a man, made free from harm. This traitor flies unto some steepy rock, Take thou this other, drag him through [190] the woods Make haste to help these noble gentlemen: Enter the ambushed SOLDIERS. [192] FIRST SOLDIER. Come, sirs, prepare yourselves in readiness; FREDERICK. Pity us, gentle Faustus! save our lives! As he intended to dismember me.