07 Dec

[Footnote 44: Why: So 4to 1616 (and so 4to 1604).--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] Note ‡, from p. 86. (Doctor Faustus, from the quarto of 1604): [Footnote 56: should: So 4tos 1616, 1624.--2to 1631 "shall."] [Footnote 58: this scroll: So 4to 1616.--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] him any thing, and doe for him whatsoever." Sig. A 4, ed. [Footnote 47: men: So 4tos 1624, 1631 (and so 4to 1604).--2to 1616 "them."] [Footnote 55: an: So 4tos 1616, 1631.--Not in 4to 1624.] [Footnote 48: Mephistophile: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "Mephostophilis."] or something equivalent to them, had been omitted by mistake. 1648. A later ed. adds "he desired." Marlowe, no doubt, "3d Article" stands thus,--"That Mephostophiles should bring [Footnote 45: that famous: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "that MOST famous."] "backe."] [Footnote 53: Is it: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "It is."] followed some edition of the HISTORY in which these words, [Footnote 50: thine: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "thy."] [Footnote 46: of: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "be."] [Footnote 59: he desires: Not in the 4tos. See note ‡, p. 86. "he desires: Not in any of the four 4tos. In the tract just [Footnote 51: And: So 4to 1616.--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] cited, i.e. THE HISTORY OF DOCTOR FAUSTUS, ed. 1648. the [Footnote 52: my: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "thy."] [Footnote 57: God: So 4to 1604.--The later 4tos "heauen."] requireth.")" ] [Footnote 54: soul: So 4to 1616.--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] (2to 1661, which I consider as of no authority, has "he [Footnote 49: thee: So 4to 1604.--The later 4tos "him."]

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