[Footnote 107: Ponte: Old eds. "Ponto."] [Footnote 118: And smite with death thy hated enterprise: So 4to 1616. [Footnote 106: through: So 4tos 1616, 1624.--2to 1631 "thorow."] [Footnote 126: his: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "this."] [Footnote 125: Ponte: Old eds. "Ponto."] [Footnote 105: us: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "you."] [Footnote 110: in state and: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "this day with."] --Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] [Footnote 109: the: so 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "those."] [Footnote 119: our: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "the."] Note ||, from p. 91. (Doctor Faustus, from the quarto of 1604): [Footnote 114: cunning: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "comming." (And so [Footnote 116: at: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "to."] [Footnote 104: me: So 4tos 1616, 1631.--Not in 4to 1624.] [Footnote 123: hath: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "haue."] [Footnote 108: match: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "watch."] [Footnote 112: thorough: So 4to 1631.--2tos 1616, 1624, "through."] [Footnote 115: this: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "his."] [Footnote 117: it: So 4to 1616.--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] [Footnote 121: have right: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "haue SOME right."] [Footnote 122: shall: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "shalt."] [Footnote 113: my: Qy. "one"?] in the fourth line of the next speech.)] [Footnote 124: synod: Qy. "HOLY synod"?] [Footnote 111: whilst: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "while."] [Footnote 127: Sennet: Old eds. "Senit" and "Sonet". See note ||, p. 91. [Footnote 120: this: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "the."]